Join the Uni-Leagues Revolution!
Uni-Leagues are aiming to transform the national University sport scene by providing fun, hassle free and social football leagues at Universities all over the country.
Our recreational leagues, for players of all ages, abilities, levels of experience and levels of fitness, aim to make it easier than ever for students and graduates to engage in sport whilst studying.
Here's why you should choose us:
We Encourage ALL Abilities
You don’t have to be an expert to play as we cater for all abilities! Whether you play for your university BUCS team or you're a complete novice you can play with Uni-Leagues.
No Affiliation Needed
You don’t need to pay membership or any affiliation fees to play with us.
We Do All The Work
All you need to do is turn up and play, we’ll do the rest.
Great Value For Money
We have the best equipment, the best facilities and the best referees, all for the best prices.
The Strongest Discipline
If you play with Uni-Leagues you can be certain that you are playing in a league with the strongest discipline in the UK. These are leagues that operate to the highest standards and will remain so.